Enabling wifi/bluetooth on gigabyte z270n motherboard

Hey All,

My friend and I, build me my first hackintosh computer a few weeks ago, using guides from Tonymacx, but we had overlooked the notice about the onboard wifi ( of this specific MB ) not working in osx. Tonymacx does link to a post regarding a workaround, with an apple broadcom card + adapter. I also found a post where a guy links to the specific parts he bought, for the exact same MB as I have.

However - I took a picture of where the broadcom card/adapter is supposed to go, and when I count the 'threads' ( or whatever they are called - the slot space it needs to fit in), it doesnt match with what the guy in the below link bought and says matches perfectly.

Can anyone guide me as to whether Im supposed to buy the same setup as in the link, or something else?!


Original thread (Post no. 4 down) https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/how-to-enable-wifi-on-gigabyte-z270n-wifi.231411/page-3 BROADCOM: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-Broadcom-BCM94360CD-802-11ac-mini-WLAN-Bluetooth-4-0-Wireless-card/251649332118?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

ADAPTER: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07418CNH2/ref=as_at?slotNum=3&linkCode=g14&imprToken=tFnhQxLMpMo7xXlFqUhyjg&creativeASIN=B07418CNH2&tag=tonymacx86-21

My Gigabyte Motherboard

submitted by /u/pixeladdict84
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