I want to test out how hackintosh performs in certain applications like photoshop and some audio editing software.
After some struggles I managed to get High Sierra from olarilla running, but only on the iGPU(black screen installer with gpu). When I put in my HD 7850, it boots up, goes through all verbose, blinks twice and then stuck on black screen(monitor up but black screen). I tried meddling with kexts and plist, tried whatevergreen.ketx, tried enabling injectors, but result is always the same. I set up clover UEFI version.
I read up on some solutions but it seems like it involves modifying the graphics card bios and I'm not sure If I want to risk and spend time on that. Would one of the earlier versions, 10.12 or 10.11 work better out of the box? Or with some minimal config? Or maybe I'm missing some info on setting up the 10.13?
My hardware config: i5-3550 Intel DQ77mk Gigabyte HD7850 GV-R785OC-2GD
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