Updating to High Sierra

Hey guys, I have succesfully installed El Capitan on my system and it has been running great for some time now.

Since there are already 2 new releases, sierra and high sierra, I figured it was time for a new challenge. Installing high sierra on my system.

Following Tonymacx86 the first step is to download High Sierra from the app store, unfortunately I am greeted with the following message: ''This version of macOS 10.13.2 cannot be installed on this computer.''

This message would mean that my specs are too old to install High Sierra. Which wouldn't come as a shock to me, since I am running a couple year old processor.

My specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Jordakoes/saved/#view=8L3qqs

Would it be possible to install High Sierra (Without too much loopholes to jump trough)?

Thanks for the help guys! Love the community!

submitted by /u/jordakoes
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