Skylake laggy with High Sierra

I've updated my Core i5-6600 to High Sierra a couple of weeks ago. I'm on 10.13.2 right now, with most recent Clover, FakeSMC, Lilu, NvidiaGraphicsFixup and IntelMausiEthernet kexts. Graphics is an old GeForce GT 640 using stock drivers.

This system was super smooth with Sierra, but it became very laggy on High Sierra. CPU load is normal, but the system lags even with no load at all. CPU speed stepping appears to be working, according to Intel Power Gadget.

I did do a clean install and only moved over my data, so no issues there I guess. The only thing that changed during the reinstall is the SSD I use for my fusion drive. Had an old LiteOn 128GB on Sierra, and I upgraded to a 500GB Samsung Evo 850.

submitted by /u/Crazor01
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