Hi guys, so I recently really, really wanted a MacBook, but because I already have a laptop, I can't justify purchasing one. However, I do have a bunch of parts lying around from upgrading my PC through the years and after some quick googling, I think I might have a build that can be hackintoshed.
Here's the parts:
- CPU: i5-4440 @ 3.1 GHz
- MOBO: Gigabyte GA-H97N
- RAM: HyperX-Fury-16-GB-2-x-8-GB-DDR3-1333-MHz-CL9-DIMM
- Storage: SanDisk SSD Plus 240 GB
So that's my build. I have to buy the RAM and board used, but I think with those two parts, I can put something together.
Here's a PC Part Picker List if anyone was interested.
And looking on tonymacx86, the installation itself shouldn't be too hard, but I was also wondering if you guys had any tips or tricks for me.
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