Mavericks on a Dell Inspiron 660?

I've tried both Niresh (this was a long time ago. not recently) and Olarila (Recently) distros on my main PC, which is a Dell Inspiron 660 desktop. Both of them install, but both also fail to boot due to the fact that it gives some stupid IOBlueoothHCIController Completed error, and it usually follows up with a "missing controller transport!" error. You wouldn't believe how many days I've wasted trying to get it to work on this machine... I want Mavericks over them all purely for the aesthetics. I love the skeuomorphic design! If it helps, ML does the same thing.

i5 3340 750 Ti (I know Maxwell isn't supported. I have an EVGA GT 730 4 GB card, along with an 8400GS 1 GB, also by EVGA. Both of the non-Maxwell cards don't work on either distro it seems. The 8400 has the most hope since I can get it to boot into the installer with full resolution on Olarila whereas the GT 730 won't do so.

Does anyone have an untouched Mavericks installer (10.9.5)? I have a real Mac to put it on a flash drive with, but it's a 2006 one (iMac 2006, C2D 1.83 ghz 2 GB). Hopefully someone can give some advice on this...

submitted by /u/j2017199
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