I recently installed High Sierra using Unibeast and multibeast method from tonymacx86.com. I have been reading on here that people prefer to edit their own kexts and clover config and I would like to do the same. The SSD has windows 10 installed in uefi. I have installed High Sierra on a separate 2.5" Seagate 750GB HDD.
I can mount my efi partition of my hackintosh HDD as an external drive using my iMac and edit it manually using xcode and clover configurator. I just don't know where to start or what to change. I have seen https://www.reddit.com/r/hackintosh/comments/68p1e2/ramblings_of_a_hackintosher_a_sorta_brief_vanilla/ but need more help learning what kexts are needed and what parts of clover config to edit. Right now I have no graphics card or wifi/bluetooth adapter. I plan on using the HDMI and lan ports on my motherboard until I pick up a GPU and wifi/bluetooth adapter.
I need help understanding what kexts and config to change for my hackintosh to be bootable and have support for integrated graphics, audio, lan functionality. Thank you!
Parts list: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
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