High Sierra on Sabertooth X79, i7 4930k, GTX 780


After over 24hrs of fooling around, I have a working Clover install of High Sierra 10.13.2! I don't have imsg working, but that's not a big deal for me, and the Cuda Preferences Panel gives me an "update required" notice, despite being the most up-to-date version. Next step is to overclock - any considerations I should take into account?

First time using Clover, so there was lots to read and figure out. In the end, I followed RampageDev's X79 Guide, making sure to add apfs.efi into EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI.

On the Clover USB, the flags I used are -v npci=0x2000 nada_drv=1 kext-dev-mode=1 cpus=1 dart=0 darkwake

The Kexts I have are *AppleIntelE1000e *FakeSMC *Lilu *NullCPUPowerManagement *NvidiaGraphicsFixup *VoodooTSCSync

submitted by /u/thuryguy
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