External audio interface a little unstable..

Okay so I successfully (after a couple tries and figuring stuff out) got OSX Sierra and Windows 10 dual boot on my hackintosh! My Mac portion is basically used for music production, so audio stability is the top priority for me.. so first off, I am connected to an older Samsung tv via HDMI from my EVGA GTX 1060 GPU and I’m getting no audio, I’ve used multibeast to install the correct driver for my mobo (gigabyte z270x ultra gaming w/ i7 7700K KabyLake) it would be nice to get that going but that’s lower on my list, my main priority is my presonus interface. I’ve downloaded the studiolive drivers and control, I’m getting audio and everything is good. I installed pro tools and loaded up an older session. Still don’t have my plugins installed yet tho. Anyways, i played back and I realized that my left monitor was significantly quieter than my right monitor even tho my faders were levelled our equally. Never had this problem so I’m assuming it’s a hackintosh tonight I’ve got to tweak with .. any suggestions..? I need reliable and stable audio, I’ve seen other people do builds with them, I also understand that I won’t get a stable system immediately:p haha I’m willing to try suggestions! The interface is connected via FireWire PCIe card. There isn’t a kext for this is there? Any ideas?? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Group935LeadEngineer
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