Converting my gaming PC into a hackintosh, would appreciate some advice before I get started.

Here's my current build.


Asus Prime z270-K


Intel i7-7700k




16GB 2133MHz


  • 3TB HDD

  • 512GB SSD

I'm really hoping for optimal compatibility here. I'm not sure running OS X without iMessage, iCloud, all my peripherals working, etc. is really worth it. But I understand I won't know for sure until I make the jump.

I would prefer to dual boot windows and OS X together on my SSD. However, since I hear dual-booting on the same drive is a pain in the ass, I'll probably end up running OS X on the SSD and Windows on the HDD. I need to do more reading on this part though, because I'd prefer to avoid losing all my data in the process.

I think I read somewhere that installing OS X with Intel HD graphics, then adding the GPU later offered better compatibility...can anyone comment on the validity of this?

To be honest, I'm a little intimidated/overwhelmed at this point. If anyone could provide me with any tips/tricks to get this build running, I'd greatly appreciate it.

submitted by /u/DestructiveLemon
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