My build: Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI i5 7600K Gigabyte 1050 ti
I have tried many, many different methods and at this point, the most promising seems to be Corpnewt's guide. I have followed through, trying to install High Sierra. I manage to boot up to Clover but there is no "external" drive displayed, in fact there is none.
I have tried another method where instead of using the terminal to put the installation media on the flash drive, I use the High Sierra patcher to make the larger partition have the install app on it.
This method worked, I got it to install, but when I checked the HDD I installed it on (140GB 7200RPM drive) had no EFI partition, and no matter what I tried I couldn't manually create one myself.
I've exhausted all of my knowledge and everything else I've found on the internet so far...please help!
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/u/paparuski[link] [comments]