Really stuck on High Sierra Ethernet

Hey, thanks for taking the time to look at this. Basically I have a fresh install of High Sierra, it boots with the graphics card working fine. Only thing is after around 30 minutes I lost Ethernet connection and it doesn’t seem to be coming back. I looked it up and it seems to be my driver. Only thing is I have clover installed on a USB because when I install clover on the SSD I don’t see mac as a boot option? Please let me know what steps I should take to get Ethernet fully up and running. My specs are below, let me know if any other info is needed.


i7-4770k Z97-HDA motherboard Nvidia GTX 760 Samsung 850 Evo, 250gb ssd (MacOS installed on) Two 1tb, one 2tb hard drives (blank atm) Plenty of USB’s

submitted by /u/adamcym
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