No Kexts are working

CPU: AMD A8-7650K Motherboard: MSI A68HM E33 V2 GPU: AMD R7 Integrated Graphics OS Version: Mac OS X Sierra

This is my first time actually successfully running Mac OS on my computer. However, I have come up with a little problem, or should I say a few problems.

Number one is that Kexts aren't working. I have tried to install the RTL8111 driver from Mieze, but even using utilities such as the Kext Utility, Multibeast, and doing it manually doesn't work. The kexts aren't loaded even after cache reloading or a reboot. I can't seem to get it properly working. I have clover as my boot loader and the kexts placed in /Library/Extensions/.

I also have a small issue with some icons being a little glitched and showing like that bar screen on old TVs. They look neon and aren't the normal icons. They just look like some sort of bar puke if that makes sense.

I installed Mac OS by using the AMDSierra installer provided by amd-osx. I do not have a mac with me nor do I own one.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Vencorr
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