Hello. I'm totally new to Hackintosh. But in a couple of days, I could have been able to boot the installer and install it thanks to Clover. I could have been able to boot it one time.
But then the second time, when I've put the Ethernet kext (Realtek 8111), it didn't boot anymore (even after remove it). The progress bar got stuck to ~70%. The problem doesn't seem to be related to the Ethernet kext. And I got this message in verbose mode:
busy timeout[0], (60s), kextd wait(0): 'iGPU'
For the moment, all kexts are in CLOVER/kexts/Other. But I have intention to install it in L/E later.
Laptop specs:
- Intel i3 4030u
- Intel HD Graphics 4400
config.plist is based on config_HD5000_5100_5200.plist with some changes:
- Graphics/Inject/Nvidia = false
- and this patch: [Fix] Resolve boot screen garble
Here are the kexts:
- FakeSMC
- ACPIBatteryManager
- VoodooPS2Controller
- FakePCIIDIntelHDGraphics
- IntelBacklight
- IntelGraphicsFixup
- Lilu
- USBInjectAll
And added in drivers64UEFI:
- HFSPlus.efi
Note that the OS X install media is legit and coming from a friend's MacBook Air and have been installed in a USB key using createinstallmedia. I've tried to get 10.12.6 but it don't show up on MAS (the MacBook is already uptodate). But I have High Sierra 10.13.1 but I supposed I will have more problem with High Sierra than Sierra. So I've tried only with Sierra for the moment. I've used Boot Disk Utility on Windows to put Clover on another USB key. (yeah OSX Install and Clover are on separate USB key)
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