Could someone with 10.13.1 do a quick test for me?

I've been keeping a 10.13.1 SSD on hand for testing and noticed a problem with finder and "quick look" on 10.13.1 (actually not sure if it was there in 10.13.0) - definitely not in Sierra.

My testing SSD is apfs


Open activity monitor - hit CMD+1 to see processes, click CPU, sort by alpha, find "WindowServer" process and highlight it to keep an eye on it -

Now, view a large folder of generally small-ish images, hit spacebar to quick look, then press and hold the up or down arrow to run through them fast. The quick look image should appear to animate the images (it works best when viewing individual frames of a GIF, webcam captures or successively shot images)

10.13.1 seems to choke "WindowServer" process (user is "_windowserver") - driving it up to 140% or more, when it's usually under 10% in 10.12.x - It hangs, stutters and won't show images in a fast "flip book style" animation. Normally every frame will display as you hold the arrow keys down (or up) - 10-20 fps usually, depending on the file size.

If you can re-create, or have no issues, just chime in - thanks!

submitted by /u/deplorable-d00d
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