Hello there!
I was previously running my Hackintosh on an AHCI setup using a Dell Optiplex 3020 MT board, but recently changed over to an Asus Tuf z270 Mark 2 running Intel Optane (Premium RST/Raid). I've noticed that when I have my bios set to AHCI, Clover appears to get closer to booting, but then restarts before it quite gets there. However, when set to RST, it doesn't want to boot at all, instead throwing a very quick backtrace. I'm only planning on using the Optane module with my windows partition, and wanted to see if there's a way to get Hackintosh to boot despite my UEFI being set to Raid.
I have tried out the SATA Raid Unsupported kext, but so far have noticed no improvement. Is there anything else anyone might be able to recommend? Also what would be the best way about getting the boot text? It goes by so fast during the crash that I can't check for any specific errors.
Looks like I was able to get two screenshots by enabling the "Don't restart on kernel panic" and "Debug kexts" options, so these may help! Also got a preboot.log!
Log: https://pastebin.com/cCuG71cK
Images: (Raid Mode) https://www.tonymacx86.com/attachments/c212bc7e-0335-4342-9494-96f0d9c0dede-jpeg.296008/
(AHCI Mode) https://www.tonymacx86.com/attachments/6b4052ae-2b93-4e3a-81e8-63e782972072-jpeg.296009/
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