[Build Help] Trying to make a budget (under 700) hackintosh laptop

(Ex-post /r/buildapc)

A couple of my friends have come to me for some help since we're all college students and they want a cheap, efficient machine for browsing and maybe video editing. I have High Sierra on a usb so I figured the cheapest laptop I can build for them, in theory, is a hackintosh, so I don't pay for Windows. (They're not techy people so Linux is out of the question.)

The only games they really wanna play is Hearthstone, but primarily they'll be used for handling Chrome at like 20 tabs lol. Maybe some video editing with Final Cut. My budget is under 600 but under 700 should also be alright. Buying from within the United States.

My build right now is using a i5-7300Q, an NVIDIA MX150, a SanDisk 240gb SSD, and 8gb RAM DDR4 @ 2400.

I'm not too familiar with compatibility issues with hackintosh's and not familiar with places to get barebones laptops so any insight would be appreciated!

Thanks a bunch.

submitted by /u/Nabaal
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