Dual boot is for n00bs - how about dual graphics cards?! (on-board for Hackintosh, GPU for Windows?)

So I dual-boot my machine, using Hackintosh for daily activities - web browsing, video editing, youtube etc. - and Windows for gaming, VR, more video editing.

My GPU is an old (relatively) ATI Radeon R7850 but it's ok for accelerated video editing and a bit of light VR. The only issue is that it doesn't play nice with Hackintosh as far as sleep/wake (suspend/resume) functionality goes, and also I'll likely want to upgrade it soon for better VR performance but most of the newer cards aren't yet Hackintosh compatible (or so I've heard).

I'm wondering, therefore, whether it'd be sensible to use my motherboard's on-board graphics (Intel I believe) for Hackintosh and the GPU for Windows-only? Obviously I'd have to change my monitor input to match the system I'm using (say HDMI 1 for Hackintosh and HDMI 2 for Windows) but is this something that's even possible to set up, and if so, how can I check what sleep-wake compatibility is like with the on-board Intel graphics??

submitted by /u/peanutismint
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