Has anyone ever dual booted a headless Hackintosh?

I've found myself in the weird position of trying to dual boot a headless machine with Sierra through Clover set as the boot drive and Windows 10 on a secondary drive.

I've seen people using GRUB modify a file that will tell the BIOS to 'skip' over a boot drive version of Linux and boot into the next operating system as a way to headlessly boot between machines, and I was wondering if anybody's ever gotten a similar system working with a Hackintosh.

I don't have a monitor right now so I've been using Screen Sharing from my MBP to utilize my desktop hackintosh and it'd be nice if I could boot into Windows without having to connect a TV & keyboard.

I'm running a Gigabyte H81-M motherboard. I checked to see if there are ever 'cycling' boot drive options or even a kind of network drive that would allow you to control the BIOS headlessly (which sounds practical & a very useful feature) but I couldn't even find any examples of this kind of thing existing.

I got to thinking that maybe there's a specialized bootloader out there that has a headless CLI interface over network, but I've never ever tried something like this or have any experience in this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

submitted by /u/pentillionaire
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