Hi all,
I've been struggling with audio for some time now, and I'm close to get it sorted out.
I have an HP Omen 15ax216nf : Z270 Mobo i5 7300HQ Intel HD 630 / GTX 1050
I've tried 3 methods for audio :
- The patched Apple HDA + HDA enabler method : patched with Mirone's Apple HDA patcher.
- The original AppleHDA + dummy method : with proper DSDT.
- AppleALC.kext : loaded in EFI with Clover, it's what I currently use.
Since i have a 200 series mobo, I used RehabMan's FakePCIID kexts in all 3 methods. I also use a HDAS to HDEF patch in my config.plist.
All methods resulted with : audio devices being detected, device switch working (built-in speakers change to headphones when I plug headphones), but I only have sound with the headphones, built-in speakers won't work.
I have tried VoodooHDA and it works well. I have sound on speakers and on headphones. I'd keep it, but it doesn't detect device switch, which means I have to manually change device everytime I plug earphones.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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