Upgrading to latest High Sierra builds seems to require firmware feature and latest Clover

So, just a PSA after my finally successful attempt to update my Hackintosh to the latest developer beta build. I went around and around with this, running Software Update and watching it never create the special partition to actually update the beta. Finally, I started an attempt at a fresh install, and got stymied by the dreaded "Error verifying firmware" screen.

Back to the drawing board, I decided to try adding Firmware Feature to my config.plist, even though I'd never needed it before. Still no joy. So, I checked for an update to Clover, installed it, and after a bit of mucking around got it to work. I'm now running Developer Preview 8.

Another word of warning. In my case, the new version of Clover overwrote my CLOVER directory. I had to copy back in my kexts, drivers, and config.plist.

submitted by /u/clefmeister
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