Help Needed Reading Possible HFS-formatted Drive

Good evening to everyone, hoping to find a little help here.

I'm currently in possession of an Acer S3-391 laptop, that was used in a retail return-swap scam. (As in, I got scammed, not the other way around.) While I wait on the retailer to decide if they're going to own up to it or not, I am trying to dig into it to better identify its origin.

The original HDD was removed, naturally, but the integrated SSD is of course still present. Treating it as the PC it should be, I fired up my UBCD stick, which sees the SSD (split into a 4GB and a 15GB partition). However, it seems to be identifying the file system as HFS -- which as near as I can tell is for for an Apple OS -- and is unable to actually read its contents, if any. I'm grasping at straws at the moment...kind of assuming that if it is formatted as HFS, then it was probably used as a Hackintosh at some point. (Noticed several guides for doing this for this particular model while searching.)

I was hoping that someone here might be able to point me in the direction of some software that I can run purely from usb, that will let me actually read this. (I am an admitted PC Heathen, I know squat about Macs.)

Thanks in advance for your help.

submitted by /u/Niccador
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