Can I make my Asus desktop a hackintosh that boots from Laptop HardDrive from my Macbook?

Background info

My Macbook's power supply bit the dust. I LOVED using Final Cut and had many Adobe programs that I got while I was in college, that I would like to use again in the OSX environment. I just invested in a desktop before the MacBook died, so I am not interested in buying a new MacBook or logic board. I also have no hackintosh experience, but I'm a teacher with a month of summer left to learn this.


  1. Can I use this desktop to boot my old Macbook's hard drive?

  2. Can I partition the Desktop hd to dual boot OSX and windows without losing all of my windows files?

  3. If yes to number 2, can I use time machine(or whatever) to transfer the contents and programs from my laptop hard drive to my desktop hard drive?

  4. What method is best and how do I get started?

Computer Specs Motherboard: Asus m52BC_m32bc CPU: AMD FX-8130 GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 1050ti Ram: 8gb

Thank you all for your help!

submitted by /u/bhughey24
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