Hackintosh doesn't boot after generating serial number

First of all, I am very new to the Hackintosh community but I have been thinking about making one for a while and I thought that today would be the day. I followed this guide as well as the recommended vanilla install guide, and managed to get the OS running on the first boot and installed the Nvidia drivers. The audio is also working fine.

Then I was going to create a serial number and MLB, which is where things started going south. I tried following both the vanilla install guide and this one. When I hit save the first time (after generating a serial), the boot stops about halfway of the loading bar, and I get no video to the monitor at all. This has happened 3 times in total.

Is there anyone who has experienced something similar that can help me? Much appreciated!

I used iMac 17.1 in the dropdown in CC, and my specs are:

Motherboard: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming GPU: Gigabyte Windforce GTX 1070 CPU: Intel core i7 6700K RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) / 2133MHz / DDR4 / CL13 Hackintosh drive: Toshiba OCZ 120gb SSD

edit: OS: Sierra 10.12.5

submitted by /u/TardShroom
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