Facetime audio distorted w/ Logitech C922x

Hi guys,

I have a perfectly working hackintosh; I followed this guide because I have the same motherboard, and everything has been working flawlessly. Took a little while to get iMessage set up, but it all works great; continuity and handoff work great.

I got this webcam yesterday and figured it should be plug and play and video works great! However, the audio is WEIRD. For me, I hear my wife's voice as super sped up and high pitched. She hears my voice as super slow and low.

Anyone have any idea why? I looked through the audio post on the sidebar, but I don't really understand what it means for editing ALC because I tried that before and I lost all audio capabilities. Also Hackintosher talks about how the kext he used for AppleAlcAudio or whatever is the older version but more stable, and it's worked fine for me no problems.


submitted by /u/b3np4rk
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