Trouble Installing on my custom build #iATKOS


I am trying to dual install Snow leopard on my custom build and keep receiving an error that it is failing to detaect the boot signature in the BIOS. I have created a new partition on my hard drive and have formatted it. I already have windows 7 installed and I am not sure if I would need to wipe the drive clean to get it to boot.

My build is:


AMD Phenom II 1090T 3.2GHZ

I have 16 GB RAM

I have tried the following boot flags with nawcom:

-v -x

arch=i386 maxmem=4096 -force69 -v -x

arch=i386 maxmem=4096 -force69 GraphicsEnabler=Yes -v -x

They each present the same error, that it failed to locate the boot signature in the BIOS. I have tried iBoot Legacy and also Nawcom's boot loader without success.

Any ideas would be appriciated.


