Pandora's Box is a new Tool that can be used to create your own installer for Lion 10.7, Mountain Lion 10.8 and newly arrived Mavericks 10.9 from either the retail app or its .dmg image file.
Also included is a post-installation utility to apply additional fixes after installing or updating OS X.
These features are great, but you will see Pandora's Box beta2 also adds some additional functionality to the installation process. Since much of the configuration and customization can be done during the OS X installation process, once completed, you can immediate boot into your newly working OS X install without any additional setup.
Pandora's Box beta2 is available for download in our Downloads Section
Here is the complete change log from Beta1:
- Newly designed interface with preference and settings
- Added HTML Credits System integrated directly into Pandora
- Added the Help manual (integrated in OS X)
- Added Sparkle Software (self Update of Pandora's Box)
- Added support for OS X 10.9 Mavericks DP1
- Added check for missing MBR patch (to continue in GUID)
- Fixed bugs with bootloader in post-install
- Fixed bugs with creating the Recovery HD partition
- Fixed bug with missing AppleIntelE1000.kext installation
- Added kernel flags and Intel HD4000 support to the bootloader options
- Added modules for Enoch bootloader
- Enlarged Laptop section, with two different kexts for battery support, LegacyAGPM.kext for better power management of Nvidia cards (different for Lion and ML).
- AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext patch, available during installation
- Added log system (during installation and post-installation), with "notifications" in ML and Mavericks.
- Added RTC patch for Mavericks
- Added GenericUSBXHCI.kext, for Lion, ML and new build for Mavericks
- Added AppleATIATA.kext (ATI PATA and SATA controllers)
- Switch from Trim patches to Trim for non-Apple SSD
- Added latest HWmonitor stuff from kozlek project (FakeSMC.kext, Plugins and
- Added Rotate Daemon (fix for AMD7000 cards)
- Added OpenCL patches for Lion and ML in differents cards/OS X versions
- Added Intel HD4000-HD3000 support on 6/7 Series chipset
- Added Desktop version of LegacyAGPM.kext for better power management of Nvidia cards (different for Lion and ML).
- Added Repair permission and rebuild caches on others Volumes
- Added Backup Hackintosh files function
- Improve stability on each OS X versions when creating the Pandora System Options (on the fly).
- Deleted the ACPI folders, now the .aml tables can leave into InsanelyBox directly.
- Other minor bug fixes
Watch and Participate to the Beta2 Testing here: Pandora's Box (Beta 2 Testing)
InsanelyMac Staff
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