Airport trouble #Networking

So I got back the Eee1001HA from my wife, as she doesn´t need it no more.

I had 10.6.6 running on it flawlessly back then, but I put XP on it for her and did not keep a backup. :(

No problem, install it again, I thought.

Of course I had exchanged the WLAN for a AR9285 when I had OSX running on it.

Now 10.6.6 is up and running again but Airport Extreme behaves rather strange.

First Airport could not find my WLAN at all, even if I changed to "b" only. (SSID is transmitted from router.)

I switched to my trusty Ralink stick, configured it and found that Airport would see my network too out of a sudden.

As it is, I can use Airport, but the connection drops every two minutes and comes alive again.



Menüerweiterung: 6.2.1 (621.1)

configd Plug-in: 6.2.3 (623.2)

System-Profiler: 6.0 (600.9)

Netzwerkeinstellung: 6.2.1 (621.1)

AirPort-Dienstprogramm: 5.6.1 (561.3)

IO80211-Familie: 3.1.2 (312)



Kartentyp: AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x1089)

Firmware-Version: Atheros 9285:

Locale: Unknown

Länderkennung: DE

Unterstützte PHY-Modi: 802.11 b/g/n

Unterstützte Kanäle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Ruhezustand bei drahtlosem Zugriff beenden: Unterstützt

Status: Verbunden

Aktuelle Netzwerkinformationen:


PHY-Modus: 802.11g

BSSID: 52:30:2:88:92:2a

Kanal: 13

Netzwerktyp: Infrastruktur

Sicherheit: Persönlicher WPA2

Signal / Störungen: -96 dBm / -96 dBm

Senderate: 12

I am using this NetworkingFamily:

and this IO80211:

Does anybody recall how to get a reliable Airport?

Maybe I am missing something or forgot.

Any thoughts?

BTW, my old T-Com router had to be exchanged, as a thunderstorm took the switch some time ago.

