My System: GA-Z68XP-UD3 F10 - I73770 - GT660
My problem: After 10.8.3 = No Sound
I Patch my DSDT.aml with the HDEF_ DSDT_ALC889.dsl patch and put the AppleHDA.Kext in Extensions folder and... no Working, with ALC889_AppleHDA_10.8.3_V2+HDEF and V1 and i already try with HDAEnabler.kext, and nothing...
(I try to, all AppleHDA.Kext from other guys)
2013-04-01 04.57.22 am.jpg2013-04-01 04.58.59 am.jpg2013-04-01 05.00.11 am.jpg2013-04-01 05.12.57 am.jpg
Can someone helps!
My problem: After 10.8.3 = No Sound
I Patch my DSDT.aml with the HDEF_ DSDT_ALC889.dsl patch and put the AppleHDA.Kext in Extensions folder and... no Working, with ALC889_AppleHDA_10.8.3_V2+HDEF and V1 and i already try with HDAEnabler.kext, and nothing...
(I try to, all AppleHDA.Kext from other guys)
2013-04-01 04.57.22 am.jpg2013-04-01 04.58.59 am.jpg2013-04-01 05.00.11 am.jpg2013-04-01 05.12.57 am.jpg
Can someone helps!
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