Restoring apple partition table #Hackintosh


I accidentally issued a "clean" command using windows "disk part" against the HDD on which MacOSX was installed. Testdisk using "analyse" command recognizes both hdd partitions on that disk but cant write the partition table - "function write_part_mac not implemented" error.

Please have a look at the partitions found by testdisk:

Posted Image

Unfortunatley, I dont have a working MacOS to try a workaround using pdisk package because if I am not mistaken pdisk is avialable only on MacOS.

I was able to burn a bootable USB with Live Knoppix OS which includes "GNU parted 2.3" package. Would you be so kind please and tell me what commands I have to use to restore my partition table to be able to boot to my MacOS?

FYI: print command output against that disk: unrecognised disk label

Thank you very much for your assistance!
