Mac Setup: The Studio of a Multimedia Producer #Mac

Multimedia Producers desk

This weeks great Mac studio setup comes to us from Keith B., a professional visual designer and multimedia producer who uses his hardware to do everything from branding work to graphic design. Hardware shown in the picture includes:

  • iMac 21.5″ – 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo, 16GB RAM, 2 1TB HDDs, 512MB video card

  • Korg PadKontrol

  • Novation Remote Zero SL

  • 2 M-Audio Axiom MIDI controllers (25 & 49)

  • 1 AKAI MPK25

  • Apple Wireless Keyboard

  • Apple Magic Mouse

The ambient lighting behind the iMac is a nice touch and a great way to bring additional lighting to workstations without casting glares and being intrusive.

It looks like Logic is running on the iMac screen, and not shown in the studio picture is a MacBook Pro 17″. There aslo seems to be some other assorted hardware in there but I don’t know enough about music production to identify it, but what a great workstation this is!

Got a nice Mac setup you want featured in our weekly highlights? You can send us submissions by email at, post it to us on Facebook or even over on our Google Plus. Include a good picture or two, a list of hardware, and don’t forget a description of what you use the hardware for.
