Here is the solution for non-working ALC888 onboard sound chip:
Install this package which includes Toleda's ALC888 AppleHDA legacy version.
It will do all the needed operations, just install it after installing iATKOS ML2 for your failed ALC888.
Archive for
December 2012
iATKOS ML2: Non-Working ALC888 Sound
iATKOS ML2: "Install Failed" or "EBIOS Read error" during boot/install
It means that:
- You may have a faulty dmg file >>> check md5 if it is correct or not. if so download the iATKOS ML2 again.
- You may have a faulty burn/DVD-Blu-Ray/read. This may be due to your faulty DVD/Blu-Ray drive or low quality DVD/Blu-Ray >> Burn at the lowest speed. You may have to burn it on another computer.
- "Install Failed" error may be faced on some laptop computers due to overheating of the cpu >> Place the laptop in a refrigrator or a deep freezer during install
iATKOS ML2: Main System Updates
Main System Updates:
Using software updater to apply main system updates is easier with iATKOS ML2 for most computers.
Some drivers and patches will be overwritten and some will be non-functional, so computers that need these drivers and patches will need to take some actions after updating. These packages are:
- SSD Trim support: You will have to reinstall /Library/Temp/IOAHCIFamilyTrim.kext after updating.
- Sound: Delete /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext after updating before first reboot, otherwise you may face kernel panic.
- nVidia's 10.8.2 drivers: They will be overwritten after the update. If you need nVidia's drivers then download them from (if exists for your new updated system) and install after update before reboot, or do not update your system until nvidia releases drivers for the new 10.8 update.
- OpenCL RAM 2GB+ patch: This patch may be non-functional after update. You will have to wait/follow OSX86 world for the patch for the new OS X version.
- Disable nVidia drivers: You will need to erase new nvidia drivers coming with the update.
- Disable ATI drivers: You will need to erase new ATI drivers coming with the update.
- HD 3000/4000: Intel 7 chipset motherboards (77/75) with HD 3000 and Intel 6 chipset motherboards (61/65/67/68) with HD 4000 will need to install IntelHD3000_4000_update.pkg after update before restart, otherwise their system will freeze. IntelHD3000_4000_update.pkg can be found on our forum.
- Disable Intel drivers: You will need to erase new Intel drivers coming with the update.
Every main system update that had some issues with our PC hardwares mostly covered after the release of the update. Therefore, updating like real Macs is not a thing that you can always count on. We can never know what Apple will do for the next update. Until now it had no major problems with X86 PC hardwares.
iATKOS ML2: Customize
- This is the most important part of the installation.
- There is already a basic default profile chosen and adding 2 or 3 packages to default profile will probably be enough for most computers.
- You may have to try plenty of times to find the best configuration for your computer if you don't have enough experience on target hardware, so don't come to the forum complaining like "I installed 3 times but it still does not work..".
- Please read the descriptions of the packages carefully.
Here are the common and important ones for customizing your installation:
Bootloader Options
- Graphics Enabler: This should be selected for most VGA cards except for some newer models like nVidia Kepler GTX 6xx series, some ATI 6xxx/5xxx series gpus.
Booting with additional "ATIConfig=xx" command may let some of these ATI cards work with GraphicsEnabler. "xx" is the ATI framebuffer name for target model (search it on google).
- Kernel Cache: This flag may be problematic for some laptop computers. These laptop computers can use this option only after proper dsdt edit.
- USB Fix: This flag may fix USB problems of some problematic motherboards. If you had to boot with "USBBusFix=Yes" flag, then you would probably need to check this too.
- PCI Root-1: This flag is needed for most of the Gigabyte motherboards for GPU acceleration.
- Kernel Patcher: This patch is needed for some less compatible computers like Atom CPU computers, some of the HP laptop computers, etc.
- Graphics Mode: This should be selected for Intel HD 4000 and for some other GPUs. Select the package that matches your main screen resolution.
- IOPCIFamily: You must select this if your computer freezes at "[ PCI Configuration Begin ]" message booting in verbose mode.
- TSC Sync: If you had to boot with "cpus=1" flag, then you may need to check this.
- Mac Model: Select one of the iMac, MacMini or MacBook Pro models for Intel HD 3000/4000. For other computers, select a Mac model that has similar hardware configuration with your computer to have a better compatibility and better OS X performance.
Main Hardware
- AHCI Internal: Select this package if your main drive color is orange on your desktop. Orange means it is a hotplug volume, grey means it is internal. It does not have any effects on your system performance.
- Non-AHCI SATA: Select this to use Non-AHCI Intel SATA. Select this package for older computers.
Hardware Monitor
- VGA cards: Do not select this if you have multiple graphic cards.
- PS/2: PS/2 keyboard/mouse driver. Select this driver for most laptop computers.
- nVidia's 10.8.2 drivers: Select this for multi gpu support using with Intel HD 4000 and to have the ability to use up to 4 monitor simultaneously on most kepler series cards.
- Disable nVidia drivers: Select this if you need to disable nVidia GPU for computers with Intel HD 3000/4000.
- Disable ATI drivers: Select this if you need to disable ATI GPU for computers with Intel HD 3000/4000.
- HD 3000: Select with Graphics Enabler and a Mac Model (MacBookPro or MacMini) for your Intel HD 3000.
- HD 4000: Select only one EFI String package. First 3 are for most common hardware configurations, so try them first. Set your graphics memory size matching the memory value of the EFI string package you select (read the description of the package) and set DVMT to "Maximum" by your BIOS setup. Select Graphics Enabler, one of the Graphics Modes matching your main screen and a Mac Model for your computer (iMac or MacBookPro8,1).
- Disable Intel drivers: Select this if you need to disable Intel integrated GPU. It may be needed for some Intel HD 4000 computers. For those HD 4000 computers, you will need to install intel vga drivers located at /Library/Temp directory using Kext Utility after booting your new iATKOS ML2 system once.
- Most ATI Mobility VGA cards are not compatible with this system and most compatible ATI cards need their custom packages/modifications which is not included in this release. You must search and find the appropriate driver/solution by your own for such ATI hardwares, so do not continuously ask for ATI support on forum.
iATKOS ML2: Upgrade from previous versions
Upgrade from previous versions:
- You can upgrade your existing Lion (10.7.x) and Mountain Lion (10.8.x) installations to Mountain Lion 10.8.2 or make a refresh install to your problematic 10.8.2 system (keeping your applications, user accounts, user settings and user data) by using iATKOS ML2.
To upgrade from Snow Leopard (10.6.x), you should first upgrade to Lion (10.7.x) by using iATKOS L2 or any other methods.
- I advice you to try a clean install to another hdd on your computer before upgrade, to see that if it actually works on your computer or not and to determine your install selection list.
- You will need to re-install your special device drivers after upgrade. i.e. your m-audio firewire sound driver, your 3G modem driver, your ATI video card driver..
- Some of your applications that runs on the previous versions of OS X may not be compatible with Mountain Lion 10.8.2, so know that they may fail after upgrade.
Search for your existing software/driver compatibility for Mountain Lion before upgrading to Mountain Lion.
1- Select the destination for upgrade installation
2- Click Customize* and select what you need
3- Click Install
iATKOS ML2: Installation
Starting the Installation:
- Boot your computer from iATKOS ML2 media (Dual Layer DVD, Blu-Ray or USB Media)
Most OSX86 compatible computers will be able to boot iATKOS ML2 media by default (without entering commands), but some computers will need some boot flag(s)/command(s) to be entered at boot promt.
If you are booting from DVD/Blu-Ray, then you need to press F8 in first 10 seconds for boot promt.
Common boot flags/commands for iATKOS ML2 install media:
- You can enter without quotes (").
- You can try combinations by adding a space between them, i.e. "-v cpus=1".
"GraphicsEnabler=Yes" This is needed for Intel HD 4000 installation.
"cpus=1" This may be needed for some 2011 socket motherboards and some laptop computers. TSC Sync should be selected for those 2011 socket motherboards during install. Kernel Patcher should be selected for those problematic laptop computers.
"UseKernelCache=No" This command is needed for computers that freeze at any point (including "PCI Configuration Begin" line) or computers that act weird
this can be a CMOS reset or ignoring other SATA ports issue.
By entering this command, ElliottRTC.kext and modified IOPCIFamily.kext will be loaded during install.
"-v" Verbose mode.
"-x" Safe mode.
"USBBusFix=Yes" This option is to fix USB related issues of some motherboards that can cause freeze or USB ports to fail.
"npci=0x3000" Computers that freeze on "[ PCI Configuration Begin ]" line may try this command.
"ATIConfig=xx" "xx" is the ATI framebuffer name for target model (search it on google). This may be needed for some Intel HD 4000 + ATI gpu computers to boot with "GraphicsEnabler=Yes" command.
If you used this command to boot iATKOS ML2 media, then you will also need to use it to boot your ML2 system.
- Select the language
Clean Installation:
1- Run Disk Utility via Utilities menu and erase the target for clean install
2- Select the destination for installation
3- Click Customize* and select what you need
4- Click Install
iATKOS ML2: Information
- 64-bit/32-bit thing:
Mac OS X Mountain Lion is a 64-bit operating system which means that it can only boot in 64-bit mode.
32-bit applications will work but loading a 32-bit compiled driver/module/kext is not possible for Mountain Lion. Therefore applications that need their own 32bit-only modules (kexts) may partially or totally fail.
- You can make clean, upgrade and refresh installs to your existing OSX86 system using iATKOS ML2. Please read the related section.
- Easy installation on Software RAID volumes. No additional user actions needed. Please read the related section.
- nvidia graphics cards will have less problems with OS X 10.8 using iATKOS ML2 because of the automated id injection.
- Network devices will be auto-detected.
- Onboard sound devices will be auto-detected. Thanks to Andy Vandijck and Voodoo team.
- Using software updater to apply main system updates just like real Macs on most computers is possible using iATKOS ML2. Please read the related section.
- This installer may not include all the necessary drivers required by your setup. Additional steps may be needed to be taken by the user to setup and use such components.
MultiBeast 4.7 Update for Lion [Improved]
MultiBeast for Lion, the ultimate post-installation utility, has been updated to version 4.7 to support OS X 10.7.5.
Internal Changes: - Updated hnak's AppleIntelE1000e Ethernet to v2.1.7.
- Updated Chimera to v1.11.1- Changed Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers -> Realtek ALC8xx -> Without DSDT to also install appropriate patched AppleHDA- Fixed EasyBeast and UserDSDT install to delete previous version of FakeSMC.kext if found.- Fixed VoodooHDA install to delete AppleHDA.kext.
Dual Booting Windows 8 + iATKOS ML

Dual Booting Windows 8 + iATKOS ML with both Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse - Bluetooth Setup
1. In Windows first download:
• The latest version of PTools from , this will allow you to edit your registry as 'System' later, allowing you to edit your bluetooth device link keys.
• Bootcamp drivers for both Magic Mouse and the Magic Trackpad (you can get these from or follow the guide there for installation of Bootcamp 4.0 drivers using 7-zip 4.65 and BootCampESD.pkg
• Mouse and Trackpad utilities from:
2. Install PTools (put files in System Drive:\Windows\System32)
3. Install the drivers for both the trackpad and the magic mouse
4. As you would ordinarily, connect both the trackpad and magic mouse via bluetooth (Add Device etc..)
5. Once installed, right-click and select 'Properties' for either one of the devices and go to the 'Bluetooth' tab, take a note of the 'Unique Identifier' near the bottom of the page under 'Troubleshooting Information' (This will be noted as a series of letters and numbers, eg. 1a:b2:c3:45:67:8d). You will need this later to identify your device in Regedit.
6. Restart your machine and boot into Mac.
7. Connect to either your magic trackpad or mouse as usual via blueooth
8. Open terminal and copy-paste the following command and hit enter:
sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist
Mac: 12345ab6 78c91234 567891d2 3456789e
Windows: 9e785634 d2917856 3412c978 b65a3412
10. Now connect to your other device and carry out the same procedure to get the link key for that device.
11. Reboot into Windows, neither of your devices will work yet, but fret not!
12. Open the command line tool as an Administrator, Start Menu -> type "cmd", right click on 'cmd.exe' and select 'Run as Administrator'.
13. Copy and paste the following:
psexec -s -i regedit
15. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\Unique ID
(Unique ID of your bluetooth adapter not your device, you can find this by going to Device Manager, right-click on your bluetooth adapter, select 'Properties', go to the 'Advanced' tab and see your ID under 'Adddress:')
16. You will see a list of devices in the right-side pane, you can determine which is your trackpad or mouse by using the Unique Identifiers you noted earlier in step 5, right-click on the relevant device and now click 'Modify Binary Data...' and type in the appropriate link key for your device (the link key that you changed into the correct Windows format in step 9)
17. Do this for each device.
18. Exit regedit, click your magic mouse and your trackpad and hey-presto, they'll start working!
19. Reboot and they'll still be bonded and working for Mac!
MultiBeast 5.2 Update [Improved]

Internal Changes:
- Updated FakeSMC and Plugins to kozlek's branch v4.3.4
- Updated patched 10.8.0 AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext