Yes, the latest version of VMware Fusion 4, version 4.1.3 works with Mountain Lion and is signed with our Developer ID. This makes VMware Fusion 4.1.3 compatible with Gatekeeper, a feature enabled by default in Mountain Lion. [FAQ]

Note : We need a bootable Mountain Lion to install OS X with VMware. If you don’t know how to create bootable follow this Niresh Guide.
Let's start the guide!
Step 1 : Extract ML_VMW_iHackintosh to desktop or your Hard Disk drive and copy Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk in the same folder.
Step 2 : Install VMware 8 unlocker.
Step 3 : Now launch your VMware Workstation.
- Navigate to File > Open and Browse to ML_VMW_iHackintosh folder > select Mac OS X Lion.vmx and open this file. It should quickly load a preconfigured VM machine with the basic setting in the VM configuration screen.
Step 4 : Attach Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk into the VM.
- Now click Edit virtual machine settings
- Hardware > Add > Hard Disk and check “use an existing Virtual disk”
- Quickly navigate to the Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk we shifted in Extract ML_VMW_iHackintosh folder in step one.
- Select the “Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk” with all options left as default, to press “Finish” to complete the process.
The reason you want to add another hard drive is that in the original setting, the 40GB has no OS on it, therefore VMware will try to boot off the OS from the second disk (the vmdk file) which will load and boot into Mountain Lion Installer.
Step 5 : Power on the VM and Install OS X.
- Power on your VM and wait for 1-2 minute.
- From now here just follow the on screen instruction to install Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Should be pretty straight forward.
- When installation finishes and ask you to reboot your VM in 10 second, don’t click on restart. Click on Power Off button in VM menu or press “ctrl + E”
- Now remove the Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk you attached in step four. If you have patience boot your VM right now, it may take 30 Minutes to 2 Hours to first boot. We can fix boot time issue by installing FakeSMC.kext
Step 6 : Install FakeSMC.kext
- Launch VMware, navigate to your 10.6 / 10.7 VMware installation and click on edit virtual machine setting.
- Hardware > Add > Hard Disk and check “use an existing Virtual disk” and browse the Mac OS X Lion .vmdk file (it should be 6GB plus in size). You can locate this file in ML_VMW_iHackintosh > OS X Mountain Lion folder.- Press next with all options left as default, to press “Finish” to complete the process. Now you should have 2 40 GB Hard Disk in your 10.6 / 10.7 VM.- Move FakeSMC.kext and KextBeast to your 10.6/ 10.7 VM desktop and Install FakeSMC.kext to Macintosh disk.-That’s it. Turn Off your 10.6 / 10.7 VM, remove HDD 2 and now boot your Mac OS X Mountain Lion VM.
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