Archive for
September 2012
Fix “Still waiting for root device” on OS X 10.8 ML

This error manifests itself on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion only if you boot your Hackintosh with UseKernelCache=Yes, as booting with “-f” results in a normal boot sequence.
The reason is believed to be due to a timing change Apple has introduced in the IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext, results in a bug on Hackintosh builds: the system enumerates the disk partitions too fast and the boot partition gets skipped. The fix involves patching the IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext and adding a slight delay that allows enough time for disk enumeration.
The shell script patcher is available from the author’s Dropbox, but if you prefer to do everything by hand yourself, here is the list of the commands:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext/Contents/MacOS
sudo mv IOAHCIBlockStorage IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig
sudo cp IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\xeb\x4c\x00\x00\xea\x03|\xeb\x4c\x00\x00\xe8\x01|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\x74\x0e\x48\x8d\x3d\xa5\x90\x00\x00|\xbf\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x90\x90\x90\x90|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
Reboot and see if this fixes the problem for your Hackintosh.
The following commands place a backup of the unmodified binary before patching it.
cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext/Contents/MacOS
sudo mv IOAHCIBlockStorage IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig
sudo cp IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\xbb\x4b\x00\x00\xeb\x03|\xbb\x4b\x00\x00\xe8\x01|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\x74\x0e\x48\x8d\x3d\xb2\x91\x00\x00|\xbf\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x90\x90\x90\x90|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
Update: This patch DOES NOT work for 10.8.2′s IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext
OPTION 3:Here is the updated fix for 10.8.2′s version of IOAHCIFamily.kext. Don’t copy-paste everything into the Terminal at once, do it one line at a time. Pasting the whole code at once will result in the second half of the commands being used as your password at the first sudo command.
The following commands place a backup of the unmodified binary before patching it.
cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext/Contents/MacOS
sudo mv IOAHCIBlockStorage IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig
sudo cp IOAHCIBlockStorage.orig IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\x8b\x4a\x00\x00\xeb\x03|\x8b\x4a\x00\x00\xe8\x01|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|\x74\x0e\x48\x8d\x3d\x72\x92\x00\x00|\xbf\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x90\x90\x90\x90|g' IOAHCIBlockStorage
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
SPARKLE - Free software updates for all

New in Sparkle 1.5:
- Optionally sends user demographic information to the server when checking for updates.
- Supports bundles, preference panes, plugins, and other software.
- Dual-mode garbage collection support for any memory management style.
- Supports branches due to minimum OS version requirements.
- Sparkle doesn't bug the user until second launch for better first impressions.
- Deep delegate support to make Sparkle work exactly as you need.
- Sparkle can install .pkg files for more complicated products.
- Tons of other stuff!
About Niresh ML 10.8.2 for AMD and next releases !

Niresh is waiting for a Kernel to develop the ML 10.8.2 version for AMD.
Everybody knows he made OS X Lion for AMD.
Also notice that all new releases will be available only for USB installs.
Boot options for your Hackintosh [iAtkos ML Compatible]

The mother of all boot flags. Entering -v into the bootloader turns on verbose mode, which is absolutely critical for fixing any Hackintosh issue. Verbose mode displays every single process that takes place during your bootup of Mac OS X. It can be rather intimidating, as it will display hundreds of lines of commands during the bootup process. However, if your Hackintosh isn't booting, then verbose mode should freeze at the exact point where the bootup process is tripping up. Take a photo of what verbose mode says before the bootup freezes and please share your pic before asking for help on the comments box.
Turns on safe mode. Mac OS X in safe mode ignores all kext files and boot settings except those which are absolutely necessary to booting the system. Safe mode is useful if you're trying to run the Mac OS X installer on a PC that's not fully compatible with Mac OS X. Also, if you accidentally installed a kext file that's messing up your Hackintosh, booting into safe mode may work around the problem. In safe mode, you can then remove the offending kext from /Extra/Extensions in your main hard drive (if you're running Mac OS X Snow Leopard), or /System/Library/Extensions (if you're running Mac OS X Lion or Mountain Lion).
If you've entered some extra boot flags into org.Chameleon.boot.plist, but they're messing up your Hackintosh's bootloader, enter the -F boot flag to ignore them.
Ignores kext caches during bootup on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. If you did not install a kext properly (usually because you forgot to run System Utilities in Multibeast after installing a new kext), your kext cache will be damaged, and Mac OS X might become unbootable unless you use this boot flag. The kext cache was replaced by the kernel cache in Mac OS X Lion, so theoretically, the -f boot flag should no longer work; however, this boot flag can still help some Hackintoshes boot (for reasons unknown).
Mac OS X Lion and Mountain Lion can use the kernel cache to install kexts, allowing Mac OS X to boot faster. However, the kernel cache is turned off by default, and you have to enable it by using the boot flag "UseKernelCache=Yes" (without quotation marks). Installing Easybeast or UserDSDT with Multibeast will automatically turn the kernel cache on for you. If Mac OS X is booting extremely slow on your Hackintosh, the kernel cache might be malfunctioning, and you can turn it off with "UseKernelCache=No" (without quotation marks). Turning off the kernel cache is equivalent to using the "-f" bootflag in Snow Leopard.
Some Hackintoshes will only boot when their "PCI Root ID" is set to 0. This usually happens with Hackintoshes that use a AMD Radeon graphics card. Other times, a Hackintosh will only boot when its "PCI Root ID" is set to 1. In some cases, the boot flag "PCIRootUID=1" will also fix Mac App Store verification errors.
If your verbose mode bootup of Mac OS X Lion or Mountain is freezing at [PCI Configuration Begin], enter the npci=0x3000 boot flag to fix it. This flag is applied by default when you install Easybeast or UserDSDT with Multibeast. The boot flag npci=x2000 does the same thing, except that it only works for Lion.
Forces Mac OS X to boot into 32-bit mode. Sometimes, your CPU or graphics card won't be fully supported in OS X unless you boot into 32-bit mode. Unlike in Windows, booting the 32-bit kernel for Mac OS X does not limit your total amount of RAM to 4 GB, and you can still run 64-bit applications. However, single applications cannot use up more than 4 GB of RAM, so this is a disadvantage if you do professional video editing, or something else that takes up a lot of RAM. This boot flag no longer works in OS X Mountain Lion.
Allows Mac OS X to boot into 64-bit mode. This boot flag is usually unnecessary, as Mac OS X Snow Leopard (and all versions beyond it) will boot into 64-bit mode by default.
Forces Mac OS X to boot into 64-bit mode. This is usually required to boot AMD Hackintoshes, especially on Hackintoshes with AMD's newer six-core processors. Interestingly, you can use the -force64 boot flag and the arch=i386 at the same time (I'm not sure what this will do, though).
This boot flag limits Mac OS X to using one core of your CPU. This boot flag is often necessary to launch the Mac OS X Snow Leopard installation DVD on a Hackintosh with an unsupported processor (ahem, AMD processors). However, you shouldn't have to use this boot flag once you've installed the legacy kernel.
The 20 is replaced with your CPU's bus ratio. This boot flag is usually used when you're installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a processor that's not supported (once again, AMD processors). Snow Leopard supports more processors than it used to, so this boot flag isn't as common as before. You can find a list of busratios for 2010-model Intel processors here. You can also find your busratio manually.
This boot flag locates the kernel ("mach_kernel"), an important boot file for Mac OS X. If your Hackintosh's verbose mode says that it can't find mach_kernel for some reason, entering this boot flag will help the bootloader find it (the kernel is usually found at the very base of the OS X file system). If you actually moved your kernel to somewhere else in your hard drive, change "mach_kernel" to wherever the kernel is located. For example, if the kernel is in the Extra folder of your main hard drive, enter the boot flag "/Extra/mach_kernel" (without quotation marks).
This turns Graphics Enabler off/on (you can set "No" to "Yes"). Graphics Enabler is a feature that helps Mac OS X work better with your graphics card, so it's turned on by default when you set up your Hackintosh with Multibeast. However, when used with certain graphics cards (especially AMD Radeon cards), Graphics Enabler may make Mac OS X unable to boot, or cause the graphics in Mac OS X to display incorrectly. If this is the case, try entering "GraphicsEnabler=No" (without quotations) instead. Turning GraphicsEnabler off will break DVD Player, as well as Geekbench, most games, most video editors, and certain other apps. Graphics cards from NVIDIA's 600 series no longer require GraphicsEnabler to work with Mac OS X; in that case, turning off GraphicsEnabler won't cause any negative effects.
Turns on debug mode. If you use either of these boot flags, and Mac OS X gets a kernel panic (which is the Mac version of the blue screen of death), you'll see a debug screen full of code instead of a generic "You need to restart your computer" message.
The DarkWake feature in Mac OS X Lion and Mountain Lion allows you to wake up certain parts of your Mac from sleep, while leaving other parts in sleep mode. Unfortunately, this feature often messes up sleep on Hackintoshes. Enter this bootflag to turn it off (enter darkwake=1 to turn it on, if turning it off doesn't do the trick). Additionally, if your verbose bootup is freezing at a bunch of commands that mention "SleepEnabler.kext", entering darkwake=0 should be able to turn SleepEnabler.kext off. (Once you boot into OS X, be sure to remove SleepEnabler.kext completely by deleting it from either /Extra/Extensions or /System/Library/Extensions in your hard drive.)
Hackintosh OSX 10.8 ML Install Files [India Devs]

Added cdboot to create Bootable OSX Mountain Lion DVD.
Files required to install OSX Mountain Lion on a PC using one of those guides:
Hackintosh OSX 10.8 ML Install Files [India Devs]

Added cdboot to create Bootable OSX Mountain Lion DVD.
Files required to install OSX Mountain Lion on a PC using one of those guides:
System requirements for iAtkos ML

Update : Only core2duo and above processors are supported. Old graphics chips like GMA 950, X3100 are not supported anymore. So if you wish to have mountain lion on your computer, you need a good dedicated graphics card > Nvidia 8 series or > integrated intel HD 3000.
- Should be capable of 64bit kernel boot by default.
- Processor should be at least core2Duo or above.
- Should have a dedicated graphics processor.
Old integrated graphics processor like Intel GMA 950 or X3100 are not supported anymore.
ATI Radeon X1600 would not be supported either.
About iATKOS ML Beta2 [Spanish]

La versión 10.8.2 de iAtkos esta siendo probada por los Operadores, esperando que no tenga problemas, de ser así será liberada próximamente.

Además, muchas de las tarjetas nVidia necesitará el ID de dispositivo de inyección a los conductores de las acciones de Apple (iAtkos MLM incluirá Identificación del dispositivo automatizado opción inyección).
Does VMware Fusion 4 work with OSX 10.8?
Yes, the latest version of VMware Fusion 4, version 4.1.3 works with Mountain Lion and is signed with our Developer ID. This makes VMware Fusion 4.1.3 compatible with Gatekeeper, a feature enabled by default in Mountain Lion. [FAQ]

Note : We need a bootable Mountain Lion to install OS X with VMware. If you don’t know how to create bootable follow this Niresh Guide.
Let's start the guide!
Step 1 : Extract ML_VMW_iHackintosh to desktop or your Hard Disk drive and copy Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk in the same folder.
Step 2 : Install VMware 8 unlocker.
Step 3 : Now launch your VMware Workstation.
- Navigate to File > Open and Browse to ML_VMW_iHackintosh folder > select Mac OS X Lion.vmx and open this file. It should quickly load a preconfigured VM machine with the basic setting in the VM configuration screen.
Step 4 : Attach Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk into the VM.
- Now click Edit virtual machine settings
- Hardware > Add > Hard Disk and check “use an existing Virtual disk”
- Quickly navigate to the Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk we shifted in Extract ML_VMW_iHackintosh folder in step one.
- Select the “Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk” with all options left as default, to press “Finish” to complete the process.
The reason you want to add another hard drive is that in the original setting, the 40GB has no OS on it, therefore VMware will try to boot off the OS from the second disk (the vmdk file) which will load and boot into Mountain Lion Installer.
Step 5 : Power on the VM and Install OS X.
- Power on your VM and wait for 1-2 minute.
- From now here just follow the on screen instruction to install Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Should be pretty straight forward.
- When installation finishes and ask you to reboot your VM in 10 second, don’t click on restart. Click on Power Off button in VM menu or press “ctrl + E”
- Now remove the Mountain Lion bootable .vmdk you attached in step four. If you have patience boot your VM right now, it may take 30 Minutes to 2 Hours to first boot. We can fix boot time issue by installing FakeSMC.kext
Step 6 : Install FakeSMC.kext
- Launch VMware, navigate to your 10.6 / 10.7 VMware installation and click on edit virtual machine setting.
- Hardware > Add > Hard Disk and check “use an existing Virtual disk” and browse the Mac OS X Lion .vmdk file (it should be 6GB plus in size). You can locate this file in ML_VMW_iHackintosh > OS X Mountain Lion folder.- Press next with all options left as default, to press “Finish” to complete the process. Now you should have 2 40 GB Hard Disk in your 10.6 / 10.7 VM.- Move FakeSMC.kext and KextBeast to your 10.6/ 10.7 VM desktop and Install FakeSMC.kext to Macintosh disk.-That’s it. Turn Off your 10.6 / 10.7 VM, remove HDD 2 and now boot your Mac OS X Mountain Lion VM.
Migration Assistant Solution [L1, L2]

So, if it happened you need to fix it, with help of another OSX copy on your PC.
A fix for single file with name “filename” is:
A fix for single file with name “filename” is:
sudo su
cd folder_of_file
rm .SM.gul.filename
cp filename filename_
rm filename
mv filename_ filename
And the files you need to fix are(* is a wild card):
VIDEO: How to Make a Bootable 10.8 Niresh Mountain Lion USB Flash Drive

Mac USB Guide
Hackintosh Niresh 12495
Windows USB Guide
Hackintosh Niresh 12495
All credits to Niresh12495
Hackintosh ML 10.8.x Upgrade [Chimera - UniBeast]
As the impending release of OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion is near, it is also time to make sure that we are ready to install Apple's new OS onto our custom Intel hardware. We will cover the in-place upgrade from OSX Lion 10.7.4 to the GM(Final) release of OSX Mountain Lion.
This procedure has been confirmed to work with the official release of Mountain Lion in the App Store.
A clean install of Mountain Lion will not be covered in this article, but you can refer to this site which will walk you through a clean install. A clean install is great if you want to start from scratch, but for the rest of us with a lot of data, read on.
This site has released Unibeast for Mountain Lion which can be used to perform a clean install.
If you have not already installed 10.7.x Lion onto your Hackintosh, then you can follow our guide for the Asus P8Z68-V/GEN3 or look for something specific to your system. You will want to start with Unibeast. A updated version of Unibeast and MultiBeast may be expected some time soon after the official Mountain Lion release as the Tonymac projects are well maintained. The rest of this guide will assume Lion is installed and running well on your system.
Here are the specs for this Hackintosh guide:
- Asus P8Z68-V/GEN3
- Intel i5-2500k (Sandy Bridge) 3.4Ghz Quad-Core
- 16Gb Patriot CL9 PC-1333 DDR3 (4Gb Modules)
- XFX Radeon HD6770 1Gb DDR5
- Western Digital 340Gb Blue
- OCZ ModXStream-PRO500W Power Supply
- Corsair H50 Hydro Series CPU Water Cooler
- Antech One-Hundred Mid-Tower Case
- Plextor PX-B320SA Blu-Ray/Dvd-Writer
- Logitech Z-5 USB Speakers
- Logitech MX700 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse Combo
You will need to make sure you have completed the following:
- Backup of the current system using Time Machine or SuperDuper to a spare drive just in case.
- A Real Macintosh Computer (The upgrade will not process otherwise). See here for supported Mountain Lion models.
- eEFIt boot manager installed on the Machintosh (Makes booting from the Hackintosh hard drive easier from a usb device).
- This zip file. (You will need to created a logon to download from this site).
- Kext Utility.
- Chimera 1.11.0 (You need to be registered to download).
- Official Mountain Lion installer from the Apple Store or the Gold Master from the Apple Developer site.
- UPDATE 7/25/12: Multibeast from Tonymacx86 now supports Mountain Lion. This can be used in place of Chimera, Kext Utility, and the zip file from above.
NOTE: Mountain Lion removes support for 32-bit CPUs. You will need to make sure that you can run 64-bit software on your hardware.
Part 1 - Initial Installation
Installer Screen
Once the above conditions are met, we can begin the install. The Mountain Lion installer can be downloaded in the Apple Store. Once the download has completed, make a backup of the application to a flash drive or DVD.
Use rEFIt to select the Hackintosh's drive.
We now need to pull the hard drive from the Hackintosh and install it in a real Mackintosh. If you plan on using a usb adaptor, then make sure that rEFIt is installed on the primary drive of the Mackintosh. When you boot with the usb plugged in, you should be able to select the now external usb Hackintosh drive and boot back into the Hackintosh's desktop. From there, you can run the Mountain Lion installer. If from the Apple Store, you will find the application in Applications or the Launch screen. If it is the Gold Master, you will mount the img and run the app from there.
Installing after the reboot.
The installer will now want to restart the system. Allow it to and watch and wait as it bootstraps and installs the system in place of the old. There was no need to select the drive in rEFIt. It will boot directly in after a restart in a direct drive install if you opted for that over the usb adaptor.
NOTE: I did this with a usb adaptor, and when it restarted, the MacBook Pro locked up. I had to hold the power button for about 5 seconds to power down, and then powered back up. The installer resumed without any other interaction from me. Do not be alarmed if it locks up during other reboots.
The system will install and then reboot one last time. Be patient as the install time can vary on the speed of the Machintosh. The system should boot right back into the OS. If not, you may need to select it again in rEFIt. You may be presented with a Apple ID screen if you had not already linked it in the previous Lion install, otherwise, you should be presented with the Desktop.
Part 2 - Required Changes
Once you are back to the desktop, everything should look as it did before, but when you go to the About this Mac, it should show 10.8. Now, we must install 2 required kexts and a new boot loader so that we can boot the drive back on the Hackintosh. Download Kext Utility and the zip file. You will need to copy the kexts FakeSMC.kext and NullCPUPowerManagement.kext from the "Kexts_and_EFI_for_MLion/Kexts for MLion" folder to your Hackintosh hard drive's /System/Library/Extensions and then run Kext Utility.
NOTE: All other kexts are optional depending on your current hardware setup. You may need to wait for MultiBeast or the individual kexts to be released for Mountain Lion.
Now we need to update the boot loader to a version that supports Mountain Lion. We will use Chimera 1.11.0 from TonyMacx86 as it already has support for Mountain Lion. Chimera sports an install utility, so run that and make sure that it is pointed to the Hackintosh's hard drive.
Once the Chimera installer has completed, you can remove the Hackintosh drive from the Mackintosh and re-install it in the system. Power up and wait to see if your system comes back to life.