UPHUCK: 50% lower geekbench scores reported (14K to 7K) from 2 machines after updating from 10.7.3. Asus P8Z68 with i7 2600K and P8P67 with i7 2700K. Both have modded bios' using stock cpupowermanagement without disabler.
Keep 10.7.3 until the mystery is solved.
What we know about 10.7.4 so far...
- 11.4.0 Darwin kernel
- No native Ivy Bridge CPU Support
- Ivy Bridge Users- do not update yet- MacMan will provide a 10.7.4 enhanced kernel
as soon as the source is released. - Improved AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA graphics drivers.
- If you use customized or edited graphics kexts, it will be necessary to make the edits again using the new drivers as a base.
- If you use Combo OpenCL Enabler, reapply it before reboot
- The update will replace your AppleHDA.kext.
- If you use ALC8xxHDA for onboard audio, you will have to reinstall AppleHDA Rollback using MultiBeast before rebooting.
- If you use toleda's AppleHDA for onboard audio, you will have to reinstall the Patched AppleHDA using MultiBeast before rebooting.
- If you use VoodooHDA, you will not need to make any modifications.
- If you use Sleepenabler.kext, remove before updating.
- If you use SpeedStepper for UEFI motherboards, do not update yet- there is a new speedstepper script coming soon.

MultiBeast was updated to version 4.4 for Lion. The latest version of MultiBeast is now available at tonymacx86.com/downloads.
What's new in MultiBeast 4.4:
- Added toleda's patched AppleHDA's to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Audio -> Realtek ALC8xx -> Patched AppleHDA
- Added ALC898 to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Audio -> Realtek ALC8xx -> Non-DSDT HDAEnabler.
- Added HWMonitor Application to Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Miscellaneous -> FakeSMC Plugins.
- Updated Chimera to v1.9.2
- Updated ALC8xxHDA to v2.0.1
- Updated FakeSMC to v4.2 rev609
- Updated FakeSMC Plugins to v4.2 rev609+
- + designates MacMan's addition of Ivy Bridge CPU detection to this source.
- Updated hnak's AppleIntelE1000e Ethernet to v1.9.5 and changed install location to /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns.
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