Installing ATI 4350 Graphics Card on Mac OS X lion [ Guide ]

1. Shutdown and Install the Graphics Card ATI Radeon HD4350 and boot

NOTE: Boot with normal mode. If the normal mode doesn't work then boot into safe mode. And if safe mode also doesn't work, then remove the card and continue with the steps below. I however, did not have to boot in safe mode, I just booted in normal mode with my Graphics card already installed.

2. Open the EVOenabler and ATY_init folder, Open Applications folder in a seperate window. Select both the files in EVOenabler and ATY_init folder and drag them over to 'Kext Utility' found in the Applications folder in order to install them automatically with permissions also being repaired automatically.

3. Open ATI4350 folder and copy paste the file to Extra/Extensions folder.
4. Open the Controllers folder and again Applications folder opened in a seperate window, select all the files from Controllers foler and drag them over to 'Kext Utility' in order to install them automatically with permissions also being repaired automatically.
5. Open 'Kext utility' again by double clicking it, type your password and let it repair the permissions automatically.

NOTE: It's better to run the 'Kext Utility' last time just to be on a safe side that the permissions gets repaired. Although you are repairing the permissions each time you drag the kexts to 'Kext Utility'.

6. Restart and at the bootloader, boot with -v. You should see ATI4600Controller might not load (Thats normal), you should also see ATY_Init with card 0x- and random few numbers, this indicates that the installation was successfull.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I had a very tough time installing this card and had almost given up. But I beleive in 'try, try... untill you succeed' hence in case the above procedure does not work and after installing the card you get a BLANK GREY SCREEN with just a big arrow, you can then perform the extra step 7 (Which I had to do since, I was getting a BLANK GREY SCREEN with a big mouse pointer).

7. (THIS STEP IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO GET A BLANK GREY SCREEN) When performing the 2nd Step from above, Open the EVOenabler and ATY_init folder and ONLY SELECT ATY_Init.kext and drag it over 'Kext Utility' in order to install it.

Thanks to alexmathayes