How to install iATKOS L2 10.7.2 on Samsung NC110

For creating the bootable usb stick:
GoNu wrote:Reporting succesful installer boot with L2.

What I did:

iAtkos L2
the included mach_atom
chameleon 2.1 r1716
chameleon wizard 3.4.3
REPLACED AppleACPIPlatform and IOPCIFamily kexts with ones from snow leopard
did this:

chmod -
R 755 mach_kernel
chown -R root:wheel mach_kernel
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/
rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

REMOVED ApplePS2Trackpad.kext
and saved a new org.chameleon.Boot.plist to usb root (may sound crazy but this is what I did) with these contents:
-Time out 5
-use kernel cache
-ethernet built in
-system type 2-laptop
-graphics enabler
-graphics mode 1024x600x32

then booted with flags "USDT=no -v" in EXACTLY THIS ORDER AND CASE.

Some other netbooker please confirm this. :) Will report to succesful installs if I can get this finally running from hd.

And listing the hangs I got on the way, thus confirming solved with my hardware and these options used. ;)
- PCI Configuration end
- DSMOS has arrived
- AppleALPSGlidePoint
- one more I can't remember, was result from wrong bootflag order (-v before USDT=no)

Important: it can hang randomly even with these. Try at least 2-3 times.

When the installer appears, wipe the disk, then select customize. Keep all default, and in addition select:
- PCIRootUID = 1
- Atom kernel
and maybe something else too, I went for the minimum because encountering errors.

After installation boot back to the installer, open terminal, mount -uw / and replace the installed system's AppleACPIPlatform and IOPCIFamily kexts with the ones used creating the usb. Also put LegacyAppleRTC.kext (first google result) in /Extra (this fixes the RTC: Only single RAM bank hang) and repair all permissions. It should then boot up from hd.
Notice: for me it seems not to work if you copy the kexts from the installer usb's SLE. Put them to usb root and copy from there.

So far no networking (any kind), no sound, no touchpad/keyboard, no graphics driver (resolution is fine 1024x600x32 but no QE). Instead, my memory is now showing up fine (2Gb 1333MHz DDR3) which was 667MHz DDR2 in S3v2.
Now I'm doing a fresh TM backup of this system, just in case.


1 comment :

  1. I dont know if this its for aspire one d250 too, but i would like to know what i can do
