How to install iATKOS L2 10.7.2 on Sony Vaio VPCEB3J0E/W

Have to boot with
-v npci=0x2000 USBBusFix=Yes

And use a USB mouse during install.

Post Install, first boot to single user mode. Remove AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.Kext, AppleIntelHDGraphics.Kext and AppleIntelSNB*.Kext, or you will get no video with a 4500MHD or a 5700MHD.

Reboot from single user mode

Next, Boot with
-v npci=0x2000 USBBusFix=Yes EHCIaquire=Yes UHCIreset=Yes arch=i386 "Graphics Mode"="1366x768x32"

Proceed, using USB mouse again (as Synaptics touch pad does not work properly with 10.7.2 ApplePS2Controller.Kext)

Setup a new user, then log in to os X.

Replace the Synaptics Kext with the one from: Here, then use Kext utility to repair permissions (Utilities/Tools)

Setup your bootloader using either Champlist (in Utilities/Tools), or the PrefPane in System Settings.
I will post my chameleon plist is anyone gets stuck with this model. I have a feeling USB is going to give you some trouble. Adding the key npci with string 0x2000 does not work - this has to be added as a kernel line argument.

Out of the box: Wireless (thanks for including AR9285 driver), MotionEye Webcam, Bluetooth, Card Readers, Sound, Keyboard, anything else not mentioned.

Only two things that don't work OOTB is Marvel Yukon Ethernet controller, Touchpad and IntelHD graphics.

Unfortunatley with this laptop, it is impossible, currently to activate QE/Ql acceleration due to the 5700MHD GPU. There is a method which works on laptops that contain the second nVidia card too, but not single Intels ATM.

Enjoy :)