SATA III drive in Mac OSX Lion

I wondered if I could switch the SATA port from the blue (SATA 3.0Gb/s) to white(SATA 6.0Gb/s) port since my Hackintosh has been upgraded to LION so today I did just that and bang I’m on SATA III without any issue. But the weird part is I don’t feel any speed difference. With SATA III

1time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024k of=tstfile count=1024

21024+0 records in

31024+0 records out

41073741824 bytes transferred in 8.016426 secs (133942713 bytes/sec)


6real    0m8.030s

7user    0m0.004s

8sys 0m1.381s
Divide 1024MB by 8 seconds and I got a write speed to 128MB/s on SATA III.
To satisfy my own curiosity, I plugged the hd (a 2TB Hitachi SATA III) back to the SATA II port and ran another write test. And the result turned out to be

1time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024k of=tstfile1 count=1024

21024+0 records in

31024+0 records out

41073741824 bytes transferred in 8.283360 secs (129626362 bytes/sec)


6real    0m8.290s

7user    0m0.004s

8sys 0m1.179s
Which yields a 123MB/s, it’s slower than SATA III but not by much.
Thanx to