Sonoma 14.5 screw up - need help

Sonoma 14.5 screw up - need help

Hey everyone,

I’ve been using OCLP on my Mid-2014 MacBook successfully for quite a while and quite some versions but today I screwed up. I updated OCLP to 1.5.0 and not thinking straight, I installed the root patches before having upgraded to Sonoma 14.5

There was some back and fourth and some success removing the patches via the recovery console at first. But eventually I now end up at the visual you can see on the picture.

The computer boots up normally and once I select the boot volume it shows the loading bar and the Apple logo but at about half way the screen turns to the above. I have tried verbose mode and thanks to that know that the system is running in the background - it’s just not surfacing the info correctly, most likely because of some bad kext files? I tried removing the patches again and again via Terminal (last-sealed-snapshot, etc) but to no avail.

So in my despair I booted to the recovery environment and installed 14.5 there - which worked but didn’t help with the issue.

Does anyone have a clue how I can remedy this? Of course I can pull the data, wipe the machine and start over but if at all possible I‘d like to avoid having to do that…


submitted by /u/pitpirate
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