OCLP and Plex - need help

I've got a Mac Mini 2011. Was running it on 10.13.x with 8 GBs RAM and the original HDD for a long time. It was running HomeBridge, Plex, and a bunch of other stuff.

I found the YouTube video from Mr Macintosh for creating an external boot drive with OCLP. Used OCLP 1.3.0, and since it didn't indicate it supported Sonoma 14.2 on the 2011, I installed 14.1.2 on a WD-Blue 2 TB SSD. Tested all functions except "Hey Siri" (don't have an external mic handy). Worked. Note for later: only 1 user listed (mine, as the only admin).

I then added HomeBridge and the needed support systems, copied and pasted the config for it. Worked, no problems.

I then added Plex. Downloaded the latest version from the Plex.tv site. Logged in, added my external drive locations as sources (the same as it was running under 10.13.x). Working on multiple streams, etc.

I opened up the Mini, did a fair clean out, swapped out the HDD for the new SSD, new thermal paste, reassembled, then swapped out the 8 GB RAM for 16 GB RAM. Boots, runs HomeBridge just a little faster, but I noticed that I didn't have access to my Plex media on remote devices. Tried to access Plex server via, localserver, (both with :(port)/web added to URL); no access. Looked on Mac, Plex not loaded (but external drives are listed and accessible). Tried to open it from Applications folder. Won't open. Reboot, same. Reboot, remove Plex, reboot, download from Plex site, reinstall - all it does is ask if I want it to auto add itself to the apps folder - still won't open. Right click on the app, does nothing.

I then loaded Docker (which wasn't available with the 10.13.x OSX), and downloaded the official Plex image from the Docker site. After going through the normal loading stuff, Docker report ends with "init failed". Shut down docker, remove from start up programs, confirm Plex is not in start up programs, reboot. Tried again to install Plex, looked for an older version, all with no success.

Any and all help appreciated. I am pretty technically inclined but not VERY familiar with OSX.


~ mt ~


I opened Terminal and dragged the application from the Contents/MacOS folder into Terminal. Replied:

Last login: Tue Dec 19 14:13:19 on console

admin@PlexMac ~ % /Applications/Plex\ Media\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/Plex\ Media\ Server

Error: Unable to set up server: sqlite3_statement_backend::prepare: database disk image is malformed for SQL: PRAGMA cache_size=2048 (N4soci10soci_errorE)

admin@PlexMac ~ %

submitted by /u/mthomp8984
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