Opencore final question regarding USB Mapping.

Opencore final question regarding USB Mapping.

Hello !

I, thanks to your help, was able to sail fairly smooth from Clover to OpenCore .

1 Problem I did not seem to manage so far though is the correct mapping of USB. I have done it before so its not about basics but a specific question:

I have used the following guide to map:

Reason for not going with the USBMap approach is that it is not offering me to exclude HS or SS Ports when I open it. I find this super strange.

After mapping with Hackintool this is what I am left with:

However, when I do use the USBPorts.kext and restart, some of the Ports are simply not available.

This is what iORegistryExplorer is telling me:

It might be important to know that ever since I have clover my HS and SS ports do not align: HS08 is SS09, HS11 is SS06 and so on.

I was under the impression that one USB3 Port, Say SS06 counts as 2: SS06 for USB 3 and HS11 (in my case) for USB2. Is that the correct assumption? Looking at ioregistryexplorer seems to count them as 3 ports.

Or might this be the problem because they do carry different names?

Any help is greatly appreciated, so far everything went super well and smooth, this is one of the few things that confuse me though.

Thanks a lot!

Author: @philco112